The Dental Spa

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The ABC of Children’s Dental Health: Always Be Cleaning!

Lifelong oral health begins when children are young. But teaching your children how to clean their teeth and take care of their dental health doesn’t have to be a chore, it can be a fun way for you to bond with your children – twice a day, every day!

Cleaning Technique

Once toddlers begin eating a diet similar to older children and adults, it’s important to introduce a regular cleaning routine to ensure that they have a reduced risk of cavities and decay, and to help protect gums and strengthen teeth.

From 2 years upwards, it’s important to introduce a proper cleaning technique and a consistent routine:

  • Brush twice per day with an accepted fluoride toothpaste

  • Use a small, pea-sized spot of toothpaste and a soft toothbrush

  • Gently brush the inside surfaces of each tooth before cleaning the outside of the teeth and then the tops and behind the teeth

  • Finally, gently brush the tongue

  • For children aged 4 and above, you can start using a soft floss once per day, clearing any larger pieces of food

Importantly, cleaning teeth shouldn’t be something that children fear or see as a chore. Help make the routine fun by brushing along with them or by making up a teeth-brushing song to their favourite tune!


A well-balanced diet is just as important to children’s oral health as regular cleaning is. Sugary foods can cause plaque acids and should be limited; ideally high sugar foods should be eaten with a meal rather than as regular snacks.

The development of strong teeth can be aided by a diet that contains a full range of vitamins and minerals as well as plenty of calcium.

Ongoing Care

We have introduced a comprehensive Dental Health Plan that is available for children as well as adults.

The children’s plan is available for only £15 per month and includes:

  • Two dental examinations per year

  • Two dental hygiene appointments per year

  • X-rays when required

  • Annual fluoride vanish treatment to help reduce unwanted decay

  • Oral hygiene instructions

  • Dietary advice

  • 10% discount on proposed treatments i.e. fillings, fissure sealants, root canal treatments

  • 5% discount on braces

If you’re interested in signing your kids up to long term dental health, get in touch with us today!