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How to Get Rid of Acne Scars?: What's the Best Treatment?

The appearance of acne scars can be a frustrating reminder of past skin struggles, impacting our self-confidence long after breakouts have cleared. If you're one of the many people dealing with acne scars, you're not alone. The good news is that modern dermatology offers a variety of effective cosmetic and laser treatments to help minimise their appearance and restore your skin's smooth texture. 

While completely erasing acne scars can be challenging, don't let that discourage you. Many people see remarkable improvements with the right acne scar treatment plan. It's about progress, not perfection. With patience, professional guidance, and the latest dermatological advancements, you can work towards skin that makes you feel more confident and comfortable.

Types of Acne Scars 

Acne scars generally fall into two main categories: atrophic (depressed) scars and hypertrophic (raised) scars. Each type of scar responds differently to treatment, but don't feel discouraged if you have multiple types of scars – many people do.

Atrophic Scars

  1. Ice Pick Scars: These deep, narrow, pitted scars look like small, round holes that sit below the surrounding skin. Due to their depth, they're often the most difficult to treat.

  2. Boxcar Scars: Wider than ice pick scars, boxcar scars have sharp, defined edges and create round or oval depressions in the skin.

  3. Rolling Scars: These scars create a wave-like appearance on the skin, with smooth edges and a rolling or rippled surface.

Hypertrophic Scars

These raised scars occur when the body produces too much collagen during healing. They're more common on the chest, back, and shoulders but can also appear on the face.

Pigmentation Changes

While not technically scars, dark spots or hyperpigmentation can often accompany or be mistaken for acne scars.

How to Get Rid of Acne Scars

Dealing with acne can feel overwhelming, but there are effective treatments for acne scarring available. The key is finding the right approach for your skin type and scar severity.

Laser Treatment

Laser treatments are a powerful option for addressing various types of acne scars. These treatments direct focused light to remove damaged skin cells and stimulate collagen production.

Laser skin revitalisation is an advanced treatment where the outer layer of damaged skin is gently removed while deeper layers are heated to encourage new collagen formation. This dual-action approach can significantly reduce the appearance of acne scars, improving their depth and evening out skin texture.

While multiple sessions are typically needed for the best results, many people notice improvements in skin texture and tone after just one treatment. 

Skin Peels

Chemical peels are an effective treatment for addressing acne scars, particularly mild to moderate scarring. These treatments work by applying a chemical solution to the skin, which causes the top layer to peel off, revealing fresher, less damaged skin underneath and making scars less noticeable. 

Trichloroacetic Acid (TCA) peels are medium-depth peels that can significantly improve the appearance of acne scars, particularly atrophic (depressed) scars.

Most patients require a series of treatments for optimal results, usually spaced 4-6 weeks apart. The number of treatments needed can vary depending on the severity of scarring but typically ranges from 3 to 6 sessions. 

TCA peels involve some downtime, so you can expect redness and peeling for about 5-7 days after the treatment. However, many people find that the results are worth this temporary inconvenience.


Microneedling, or collagen induction therapy, is a minimally invasive acne treatment with impressive results. This procedure involves using a device with tiny, sterile needles to create controlled micro-injuries to the skin.

The process works by stimulating the skin's natural healing response, which includes increased collagen and elastin production. These proteins are essential for maintaining the skin's firmness and elasticity. The skin heals from these micro-injuries, resulting in a smoother texture.

Microneedling is particularly effective for treating atrophic acne scars, especially rolling and boxcar scars. It can also help improve overall skin texture and tone, making it a versatile treatment option.

Medical Treatments

Skincare treatments can effectively treat acne scars in addition to clinical procedures. Dermatologists, GPs, and pharmacists often prescribe these options, which can be used alone or combined with other treatments to achieve maximum results:

Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHAs)

AHAs, such as glycolic acid and lactic acid, are chemical exfoliants that can help improve the appearance of acne scars. They work by removing dead skin cells and promoting cell turnover, which can help balance the skin's texture. AHAs have various strengths, from over-the-counter blemish control gels to professional-grade peels. 


Topical retinoids increase cell turnover, stimulate collagen production, and improve skin texture. Prescription-strength retinoids like tretinoin can be particularly effective for atrophic (depressed) scars. However, retinoids can increase sun sensitivity, so proper sun protection is important when using these products.


Topical corticosteroids like Hydrocortisone can be beneficial in treating certain types of acne scars, especially those associated with inflammation, as they work by reducing redness and swelling in the skin. They can also prevent the formation of hypertrophic scars in people prone to these types of scarring. 

Treat Acne Scars with The Dental Spa

At The Dental Spa, we're committed to helping you achieve calmer, more even-toned skin. We understand how acne scars affect your confidence and are here to support you on your journey to clearer skin.

Book a consultation with us today to discuss your specific concerns, examine your skin, and recommend the best treatment for you.

Don't let acne scars hold you back any longer. Contact us today to schedule your consultation and start your journey towards renewed confidence and radiant skin.

Acne Scars FAQs

What causes acne scars?

Acne scars are typically the result of inflamed blemishes caused by skin pores congested with excess oil, dead skin cells, and bacteria. When the pore swells, it causes a break in the follicle wall. Minor breaks heal quickly, but deeper breaks in the wall of the pore can result in more noticeable scarring. Depending on the healing process, the skin attempts to repair these lesions by forming new collagen fibres, which may lead to raised or pitted scars.

Can you 100% remove acne scars?

While removing acne scars completely is challenging, significant improvement is possible with the right treatments. The level of improvement depends on various factors, including the type and severity of scarring, skin type, and chosen treatment method. Many patients see a substantial reduction in the appearance of their scars, even if complete removal isn't achievable.

Why do I get acne scars so easily?

Some people are more prone to acne scarring due to genetic factors, skin type, or the severity of their acne:

  • Those with darker skin tones may be more susceptible to post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation

  • Picking or squeezing acne lesions can increase the likelihood of scarring 

  • Your skin's natural healing process and collagen production will affect how easily you develop scars

Which acne scars are the hardest to remove?

Deep, pitted, ice pick scars are generally considered the most challenging to treat. These scars are usually narrow and extend deep into the skin. Boxcar scars with sharp edges can also be challenging to address. 

Can you prevent acne scars?

While it's not always possible to prevent acne scars entirely, there are steps you can take to minimise their frequency:

  • Treat acne as soon as it develops to prevent it from progressing

  • Avoid picking, popping, or squeezing spots

  • Use gentle skincare products and avoid harsh scrubbing

  • Protect your skin from sun exposure by wearing SPF

  • Stay hydrated and maintain a healthy diet

Which treatments are best for acne on darker skin tones?

For people with darker skin tones, it's essential to choose treatments that minimise the risk of post-inflammatory hyperpigmentation. Effective options often include:

  • Microneedling

  • Specific laser treatments (with Nd:YAG lasers like the Cynosure Elite+, which we use for all of our laser treatments )

  • Topical treatments with ingredients like hydroquinone, kojic acid, or vitamin C

Always consult a dermatologist, GP or pharmacist experienced in treating diverse skin types to determine the most suitable treatment for your skin tone and scar type.