What Do Healthy Gums Look Like?

what do healthy gums look like

A bright, confident smile relies on having healthy teeth and gums. While we tend to focus a lot on the appearance of our teeth, our gum health is often forgotten about. 

Gums play an essential role in supporting teeth and protecting against bacteria and infection, and keeping your gums healthy is just as important as caring for your teeth. But what exactly do healthy gums look like?

How to Tell the Difference between Healthy Gums vs Unhealthy Gums

Healthy gums act as a protective seal against bacteria and plaque. Unhealthy gums exhibit the following signs:

Swollen or Red Gums

Plaque buildup often causes sore gums that appear red, swollen, or bulging out. The swelling often starts at the gum line, where it meets the tooth.

Bleeding Gum Line

Healthy gums should not bleed when brushing or flossing, and bleeding gums are a common symptom of poor oral hygiene. The bleeding may be minor initially but can become more severe over time.

Bad Breath

While bad breath has many potential causes, one source is bacteria growth from gum disease. As gums become inflamed and pull away from teeth, pockets form that trap food and plaque.

Loose Teeth

Unhealthy gums can no longer appropriately support teeth. As the gum and bone deteriorate, teeth may feel loose or shift positions, requiring emergency dentistry

Excess Saliva

Gum disease can cause the mouth to produce more saliva than normal in response to mouth irritation and inflammation.

Metallic Taste in your Mouth

As unhealthy gums bleed, you may experience a metallic or sour taste from the blood and bacteria present.

What colour are healthy gums?

Healthy gums should be a pale pink or coral colour. While some variation in gum colour is expected based on ethnicity, very pale or white gums may signal issues like anaemia or a vitamin deficiency but do not necessarily indicate a specific disease. The ideal is firm, pink gums that form a pointed shape around each tooth without bleeding when brushing or flossing. Any significant changes in your normal gum colour should be evaluated by your dentist.

What causes and contributes to unhealthy gums?

Several potential causes and risk factors can contribute to unhealthy gums. 

Bad Oral Health 

Poor brushing and flossing habits allow plaque and bacteria to build up on teeth and along the gumline. Over time, this buildup irritates and inflames the gums.


Smoking and other tobacco use increases the risk of gum disease and makes it harder for gums to heal once infected. Smoking weakens the immune system's ability to fight off infections.

Plaque and Tartar

Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that constantly forms on teeth. If not removed daily through brushing and flossing, it can harden into tartar (calculus), which requires professional dental cleaning to remove. 


People with diabetes have an increased risk of developing infections, including gum disease. Poorly controlled diabetes impairs the body's ability to fight bacteria.

Other Factors

Other potential contributors include hormonal changes, certain medications, genetic predisposition, grinding teeth, poor nutrition, immunodeficiencies and chronic health conditions.

What happens to untreated, unhealthy gums?

If unhealthy gums are left untreated, the consequences can be quite serious.

Gum Disease 

Gum disease, also called periodontal disease, is the infection and inflammation of the gum tissues surrounding the teeth. It is a major cause of tooth loss in adults, and it has also been linked to other overall health issues like heart disease and diabetes complications. There are two main stages of gum disease:


This early stage involves inflammation of the gums caused by plaque buildup at the gumline. Symptoms include red, swollen, bleeding gums. 


If left untreated, gingivitis can advance into this more severe form where the inflammation spreads from the gums down into the bone and connective tissues holding the teeth in place. Toxins from the bacteria gradually start breaking down the bone and tissues, forming a gum infection between the gums and teeth. Teeth eventually become loose and may need to be extracted.

How to Get Healthy Gums Again

If you are already experiencing signs of gum disease, such as swelling, redness or bleeding, don't lose hope! With the right professional dental treatment and home care, it is possible to control and even reverse gum disease in many cases.

The first step is to schedule an appointment with a dental professional for an evaluation. This will involve measuring the pocket depths between your teeth and gums to assess the extent of the disease. Your dentist can then provide treatment based on your specific needs.

Common treatments for gum disease include:

  • Professional deep cleanings (scaling and root planing) to remove plaque and tartar buildup below the gum line

  • Antibiotic treatments or antimicrobial mouth rinses to help control bacterial infection

  • Laser treatments to remove inflamed gum tissue and allow reattachment

  • Gum surgery in advanced cases to trim away deep pockets and re-contour the bone

Along with professional treatments, improving your daily oral hygiene habits at home is essential. This includes brushing twice daily, flossing once a day, and using an antibacterial mouthwash.

With diligent care and removal of bacterial plaque, many people can successfully control their gum disease and regain healthy pink gums over time. The most important step is to seek treatment quickly before too much irreversible damage occurs.

How to Maintain Healthy Gums 

Once you've gotten your gum health back on track, it's important to maintain good daily habits to prevent gum disease from recurring.

Brush Correctly

Brush your teeth twice daily for two minutes using a soft-bristled toothbrush. Use gentle circular motions to massage the gums. Replace your toothbrush every 3-4 months.

Floss the Right Way

Flossing once a day will help remove plaque and bacteria your toothbrush can't reach between teeth and under the gumline. Gently curve the floss against the tooth in a C-shape against the gums.

Choose the Right Toothpaste and Mouthwash

Look for toothpaste and mouthwashes containing fluoride to strengthen enamel and ingredients like cetylpyridinium chloride to help kill bacteria. Avoid overly abrasive whitening products.

Stop Smoking

Quitting smoking and other tobacco products improves your body's ability to fight gum infections and heal.

Schedule Regular Dental Visits 

See your dentist every 6 months for regular check-ups and cleanings to remove hardened plaque and tartar. Your dentist can also check for early signs of gum disease.

Get the Smile you Deserve with The Dental Spa 

At The Dental Spa, we understand how essential healthy gums are for a beautiful, confident smile. Whether you need preventative care or treatment for existing gum disease, we have the expertise to help you achieve optimal gum health. 

Don't let unhealthy gums prevent you from having the radiant smile you deserve. Our passionate team is committed to educating patients and partnering with them to develop an effective treatment plan for their unique needs. We'll work closely with you every step of your journey to a stunning, healthy smile.

Take the first step towards revitalising your gum health and book your appointment at The Dental Spa today. Your future self will thank you for investing in those gorgeous, healthy gums!